Another article found on the net about the dubious nature of ‘LEED’

Just another article found on the internet dealing with the dubious nature of ‘LEED’ certification.

First paragraph of the article:

“If you happen to pass an extraordinarily ugly new building that looks like a Lucite cube gave birth to an even uglier Lucite cube, the odds will be very good that it will be an LEED Green building. What does that four letter word mean? Nothing. Or it means that money changed hands… which is the core of all environmental activism.”

Follow the link:

Exposing the LEED Ecoscam

For home designers and builders there appears to be a standard that has merit, though I have not looked into it, yet. Its called “The Passive House Standard’. I found a link to what is presumably the organization that has developed this standard and promotes same:

The Passive House Institute

A quick look at the website indicates the primary concern is simply the thermal/energy performance of the building. Which is what it should be.










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